"What on Earth am I here for?" Campaign
Aim of the Campaign
Lead your Church in an experience that will answer the most fundamental question everyone faces in life – ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’

The understanding of our unique purpose depends on how we answer this question.
The ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Campaign is an all-new 6-session video & workbook teaching from Pastor Rick Warren. Inspired by the original Purpose Driven Life small group study, this all-new curriculum is designed to unite and ignite small groups in your Church.

The Book
10 years ago, Pastor Rick Warren wrote The Purpose Driven Life that changed the way millions of people understand their meaning and significance. The book has since become the best-selling nonfiction hardback book in history. This transformative book has been expanded and reimagined with 2 new chapters, a new cover, and free online extras that address the crucial needs of a new generation.
The Six Sessions Include:
- You Matter to God
- You Were Planned for God’s Pleasure
- You Were Planned for God’s Family
- You Were Created to Become Like Christ
- You Were Shaped to Serve God
- You Were Made for a Mission
Register for a campaign and receive the benefits below.
Cost of registration and Campaign Preview Kit: £50.00 - available from the end of November 2012.
What’s in the 'What on Earth am I Here For?' Campaign Preview Kit
This ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Campaign Preview Kit contains examples of all the materials your church members and small groups will need to participate in this Campaign.

Lead your Church in an experience that will answer the most fundamental question everyone faces in life – ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’
The understanding of our unique purpose depends on how we answer this question. The ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Campaign is an all-new 6-session video & workbook teaching from Pastor Rick Warren. Inspired by the original Purpose Driven Life small group study, this curriculum is designed to unite and ignite small groups in your Church.
The following materials are included within the kit:
The Purpose Driven Life Expanded Edition Book – The book that has transformed millions, now with 4 New Features including bonus chapters and 30 hours of online extras.
Small Group Study Guide – Designed for use with the DVD, this six-session guide will take participants on a journey that will change their lives.
6 Week Small Group Teaching DVD – Six 25-30 minute video messages taught by Pastor Rick for small group study, Sunday school, or adult education class.
Campaign Success Guide – Helps you plan, promote and implement the ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Campaign for your congregation.
FREE The Purpose Driven Church – A must read for all Pastors and Church leaders. Voted as the most influential on the lives and ministries of American church leaders according to the Barna Group, this sums up the Purpose Driven Paradigm of Church leadership.
Campaign Resource Disc – Contains many tools to help you customize the Campaign specifically for your church, such as ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ logos, promo videos from Rick, web banners, PowerPoint templates, etc.
Key Tag Set, Bookmark, and Lobby Poster – Samples of these ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Campaign support tools.
Free ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ Sermon Series* – Taught by Pastor Rick Warren. *Available late January 2013
Additional Information
- Churches have the option to customise their implementation of the campaign by choosing the resources they need. We would however strongly recommend that churches register and complete the full campaign for maximum impact. The power and impact of the Campaign is best captured by the principle of “multiple reinforcement.” This means that the themes of the Campaign are reinforced by layering the same message as it is repeated from several perspectives: the Weekend Services, the weekly Bible Studies, the daily personal readings, and the weekly memory verse. All of these are essential to experience the full power of the Campaign. To extract any of the pieces means you minimize the impact.
- Churches can team up with other churches but should still register as separate centres to help us with co-ordination and support.
- All church sizes can complete a campaign. We have had small churches, as low as fifteen members; successfully complete previous 40 Days campaigns.