40 Days of Community Campaign
Aim of the Campaign
Your congregation will learn to live out God’s five purposes in community with other believers and encourage them to reach outside the four walls of the church to serve in their local community. By the end of 40 Days of Community, your congregation should:
1. Place a greater value on relationships within your church
2. Have a solid commitment to the local body as well as to their small groups
3. Better understand where they belong within the vision and mission of your church
4. Have extended its influence in your community through individual and group outreach projects
We have changed the structure of the campaign so that churches can start at any time of the year, we prefer if you run your campaign during the autumn period (start September) or Lent (start seven Sundays before Easter Sunday) Start date for Autumn 2010 would be the 12th September. Setting you own start date will mean you will not be able to receive the regular weekly emails ( 40 Days of Purpose and 40 Days of Community campaigns). Please contact us if you have any other questions on start dates.
"Did the campaign have an impact - undoubtedly it did. It has challenged a number of small groups to be involved in outreach or social action of some kind, we have more people sending cards and letters of encouragement - I have had a good few myself and people have felt the challenge to be a more loving community in general. Did I use the campaign as well as I could - I think the answer must be no - I intend to use another campaign later, maybe next year again but will be much more proactive and prepared so that I can maximise the impact and material supplied. I also think you have to be fliexible in the way you use the material, not all is applicable to UK. Over all I thoroughly recommend the campaign and it is real value for money and creates real opportunities for change if people are open to the Holy Spirit." (Woodhill Evangelical Church)
"I believe as a church fellowship through 40 days of community we have grown closer together in unity and in fellowship and friendship. We have learned a lot and been challenged. The small group we started specifically for those who could not make the Sunday evenings has continued after we finished the Dvd series by Rick. As a project we took part in a hope weekend which was city wide but local "Hope 4 Rumney". Litter picking, car washing, OAP gardens, barbecue in the park and a free funday on the Bank Holida. The whole weekend was a great success and a real sense of God favour and grace upon it. Reaching out together to our community I witnessed a great unity amongst us, all working tgether in unity and purpose. I can't say it was all down to the course/campagin but it certainly was a help." (Rumney Gospel Chapel)
We have simplified the process of ordering campaign resources. You now have two alternatives:
Option 1. Direct access to all campaign resources through this web site.
You do not have to register and you can choose the resources you need for your church campaign, small group or personal study. All resources will be priced as shown plus post and packing.
Option 2. Register for a campaign and receive the following additional benefits:
• 25% discount on listed prices for all registered campaign resources
• Receive a full leadership registration pack with leaders helps, planning sheets, transcripts, Power-Points and resources. The pack also includes one sample of most of the resources and ordering details.
• Receive our support and experience in helping you to run your campaign
• Cost of registration and pack: £150 for larger churches and £60 for smaller churches. (We define a larger church as having more than 60 members in regular attendance.)

What’s in the Registration Pack?
The Better Together Daily reading book. This book also contains the small group study guide
DVD and CD containing training sessions that coach your Campaign Team to effectively guide your congregation through the 40 Days of Community Campaign.
Leaders Manual with timelines and helps for leaders
Campaign Resource CD contains sermons transcripts, and a wide range of helps and guidelines.
Six small group lessons taught by Rick Warren on DVD format
Kick Off DVD with introduction talk by Rick Warren
Reaching Out Projects booklet designed to encourage the commitment of your members and move them into active participation in your community.
Samples of posters and childrens/youth materials
Additional Information
40 Days of Community has several features that sets it apart from 40 Days of Purpose.
a. We are offering age-appropriate materials for every member of the family, from toddler to senior adults. Those churches that incorporated teenagers and children into their 40 Days of Purpose campaign already know the power of everyone in the family learning about the same biblical truths together. For the Community Campaign, we are recommending that your Youth and Children’s leaders have a role on your Campaign Team.
b. Missions Project: There is a idea that is at the heart of this Community Campaign – the Local Missions Project. This outreach project is the vehicle that will move the church outside of its four walls, and into the harvest field of a world that is in desperate need of the love of Jesus Christ. Your Missions Project Team will identify local outreach and mission opportunities for your small groups to do together. This might be a single church project where all the groups choose a component of the project to perform or a collection of projects that each group does independently. Tackle one of the major problems in your community, and with God’s help you can make a difference!
c. Better Together - Workbook: A new innovation for this campaign is the combining of three items – the daily devotional book, the daily journal, and the weekly small group study guide – into one soft-bound book that will be the campaign companion for everyone in your church.
d. Host Homes: Because this is a Community campaign, it is natural to make the Host Home strategy the only strategy for launching groups for this campaign. In addition, the local missions project requires small groups to carry it out. The adage, “If you’re not in a small group, you’re not in the campaign” is all the more true of the 40 Days of Community campaign.
e. The Kick-Off is another great message from Rick Warren and the Saddleback musicians, but now there is more flexibility built into the event.